Cash for Better Grades

B1 – Intermediate

A new report says ensuring children money to pass exams does not give them better grades. Parents might be wasting their money by using cash as an incentive.

Read the lesson below and be ready to discuss.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you think you can encourage a child to study harder?
2. How did your parents motivate you when you were studying?
3. What motivates you to work harder?
4. Would you like to go back to school or study a new course?
5. How would you define success?

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9 replies on “Cash for Better Grades”

* who is building his future. That you will have more and possibly better job opportunities. It is also a pleasure to know things. Of course, incentivizing with a trip is positive. A family trip. When my oldest daughter finished elementary school, we went to New York for 15 days. Now that this year is over with my little daughter, we’re going to Scotland.
* My parents could only motivate me with my personal improvement. Once I had a nice gift and it was a bicycle.
* I work hard for personal satisfaction and also to have a good family situation and to be able to travel, since we like it.
* Of course I would like to go back to school. That way I would get rid of all the adult problems, like work, paying the house and stuff.
* Success is in each person and the interpretation that each one has. You can be a cashier in a supermarket and feel successful just like a manager of a large company. Success I think is not measurable.

Great work sharing your thoughts on this matter. You did your best in writing your answers.

Here is a better way to express this sentence:

Now that this year is over with my little daughter, we’re going to Scotland.

Now that this school/academic year is over for my youngest daughter, we’re going to Scotland.

Here’s to more entries from you!

I think it is important to motivate a child for improving on their study. It is crucial to understand the child could enjoy more with some subjects than others and this could have an impact on the results. I consider the parents should evaluate the child efforts and motivate on what areas the child really like.
I was an independent and responsible person with the study. My results were good and fortunately, I did not need special attention from my parents to get the motivation.
I usually motivate to work harder when I see the good outcome of my task/job. I need to feel that my work means and helps to others. It is essential to think that your job provides a value to your company.
I have good memories from my high school and university however I prefer working than studying.
In my opinion, success is to do something (not necessarily related with your work) that makes you better.

Thank you for sharing your opinions on this topic. Take a look at how you can improve this sentence:

I consider the parents should evaluate the child efforts and motivate on what areas the child really like.
I consider that parents should recognize their child’s efforts and motivate them in whatever area the child really likes.

Keep doing well in your writing practice.

1. It is children´s responsibility to study
2. I do not recall how they motivate me
3. I am responsible and if I compromise to do something I do it.
4. I had a nice time while I was studying but I prefer to work and only study things that I like, not the ones that are mandatory at school
5. Enjoying with what are are doing

This is good. You can also try to elaborate more on your responses. Here are some minor things you can change:

I do not recall how they motivate me
> I do not recall how they motivated me.

I am responsible and if I compromise to do something I do it.
> I am responsible and if I promise/commit to doing something, I (make sure I) do it.

Just remember to keep on writing to practice expressing your ideas more and more. Cheers!

1. Children need to understand that studying is their only responsibility and all they do is for them future
2. I cannot remember but they did not give me money. They succeed.
3. I am a responsible person, I have a family to look after and I like work well done and within the timelines
4. No, I prefer working than studying
5. Be happy with what you do

Thanks for your efforts writing your answers. Please see a better version of this sentence:

Children need to understand that studying is their only responsibility and all they do is for them future
> Children need to understand that studying is their only responsibility and everything they do is for their own future.

See you again soon. Keep practicing!

Very good response. Take a look at how you can improve some sentences:

children should learn since they are little what effort and responsibility mean, and they should make efforts to obtain good grades at school, otherwise we would be teaching that money could pay everything.

> Children should learn from when they are little what effort and responsibility mean and that they should make efforts to obtain good grades at school. Otherwise, we are only teaching them that money can buy anything.

Thank you!

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