Self-Building Robot

B1 – Intermediate

Scientists have created a robot that can build and fold by itself in just 4 minutes. A researcher suggested that the self-building robot could be applied to a variety of different problems.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you think this robot can be useful in space explorations?
2. What do you think of robots in general?
3. How else can this robot be useful?

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6 replies on “Self-Building Robot”

1. How do you think this robot can be useful in space explorations?
I think this robot can be useful in space explorations recovering material for being studied, serving in restaurants, …
2. What do you think of robots in general?
I think the robots are part of the our near future, and bynow it will be here in four or five years in restaurants, official centers, etc, and of course doing dangerous tasks instead of the man.
3. How else can this robot be useful?
They can help us in our homeworks cleaning, wahsing, and doing repetitive jobs, dangerous tasks, …

Good work expressing your thoughts about this topic on self-building robots.

Note how this sentence can be written a bit better:

I think this robot can be useful in space explorations recovering material for being studied, serving in restaurants, …

I think this robot can be useful in space explorations, recovering materials to be studied, and serving at restaurants.

Continue practicing your writing by doing this exercise to develop your skills better.

1- I think that this is a good idea. If NASA send a robot for a space explorations, is mopre sure for the people and i’m sure that the robot can arrive a more points or planets without risks.

2- I think that the robots is a future but never they can do like a human.

3- For a mecanic jobs, for a security jobs and maybe for a many jobs more but always they will should have a supervision for a human.

Your efforts in writing your answers for your every lesson is very much appreciated. Thank you for doing your best.

Here is a sentence you can improve:

If NASA send a robot for a space explorations, is mopre sure for the people and i’m sure that the robot can arrive a more points or planets without risks.

If NASA sends robots for a space explorations, it is safer for the astronauts and I’m sure that the robots can get to more points and planets without the risks for humans.

Until your next entry!

1. How do you think this robot can be useful in space explorations?
The robots can be usefull saving a lot of space in rockets, for example.
2. What do you think of robots in general?
I think that the robots help humans doing faster and precise actions.
3. How else can this robot be useful?
The robots can go to dangerous places where humans can’t go, for example fires, caves, planets, etc.

Keep going with this exercise to practice your writing.

Take a look at this sentence and see how you can improve it:

I think that the robots help humans doing faster and precise actions.

I think that the robots help humans in performing some actions faster and more precisely.

See you in your next entry!

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