Swap Homes for Holidays

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you’ve seen the movie The Holiday you may be familiar with the concept of “Home Exchange”.

Read the article below to know more about this kind of accommodation.


Discussion Questions:

1. Is Home Exchange interesting to you? Why or why not?
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of participating in this kind of service?
3. What accommodations do you prefer when you travel?

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4 replies on “Swap Homes for Holidays”

1. Is Home Exchange interesting to you? Why or why not? Yes, it’s interesting but I wouldn’t dare to use it. My home is too valuable for me to put it in risk, even when the risk is low.

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of participating in this kind of service? The advantage is that you don’t have to spend cash to have a holiday location, the disadvantage is that you run the risk of suffering damages in your home, potential problems with your neighbours, you have to leave room in your home for guests ( empty wardrobes…)

3. What accommodations do you prefer when you travel?
I prefer to rent a house. I feel more comfortable than in a hotel.

Good work writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion.

Just a slight correction here:

Yes, it’s interesting but I wouldn’t dare to use it.

Yes, it’s interesting but I wouldn’t dare use it.

Thanks loads and keep up the good job!

1. Is Home Exchange interesting to you? Why or why not?
I am not interested because it does not give me security.
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of participating in this kind of service?
The advantages are saving money, the disadvantages that you have to make your main home available to strangers.
3. What accommodations do you prefer when you travel?
A vacation home.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this unusual type of accommodation.

Note this phrase you can use to better express your thought in this sentence:

I am not interested because it does not give me security.
I am not interested because it does not seem/sound safe.

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