Teenagers and Sleep

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you have teenagers at home, then you’re probably familiar with the problem of them not going to bed on time and consequently, not being able to wake up the next morning for school.

Read the article below to discover the importance of getting enough sleep for teenagers and how to help them get enough of it.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think most teenagers are “night owls”?
  2. How were your sleeping habits when you were a teen? What would you have done differently?
  3. As an adult, do you still have difficulties getting enough sleep? Why or why not?
  4. What are some of the health issues that are associated to sleeplessness?
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2 replies on “Teenagers and Sleep”

I agree with the article, habits and some diseases have direct influence in the life style, and if we talk about teenagers it is very important because this can damage their adult health.

When I was a teenager I used to sleep like a log and it was really hard to wake up everyday, nowadays is inversed it is harder for me to get sleep and easy to wake up!

Frequently I have imsomnio but I don’t need to take pills, I only relax and that all.

It is good to see you staying consistent in answering your every lesson’s discussion questions. Good job.

Here is a better way to write this sentence:

I agree with the article, habits and some diseases have direct influence in the life style, and if we talk about teenagers it is very important because this can damage their adult health.

I agree with the article. Habits and some diseases have direct influence on a person’s lifestyle, and if we talk about teenagers, it is very important because this can have an impact on their health when they become adults.

Keep practicing your writing.

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