Female Leaders in the US


B2 – Upper intermediate

A study done by Pew Research Center suggests that most Americans think that women are very much capable to take leadership positions too. However, females getting into top positions in business and politics is something that doesn’t occur so much yet.

Find out the reasons for this:

Why Do So Few US Women Hold Top Jobs?


1.Do you agree with the results of this study?
2. What do you think are the reasons for this slow ascend of women in the political and business world?
3. What are some ways to change this situation?
4. Have you ever worked with a female boss?

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4 replies on “Female Leaders in the US”

1. Do you agree with the results of this study? Yes, I think its a fact that women are capable, but when there comes the time vote, pople prefer men in powerrful positions

2. What do you think are the reasons for this slow ascend of women in the political and business world? Women do not trust women. If we vote preferably for women, women would have been mayority a long time ago.

3. What are some ways to change this situation?
Promotiong women and their work. I think men feel threatened by women.

4. Have you ever worked with a female boss?
yes, I learned a lot, she’s still my role model.

It’s great to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Here is how this sentence can be revised. Try to be a little more careful with your spelling.

Yes, I think its a fact that women are capable, but when there comes the time vote, pople prefer men in powerrful positions

Yes, I think it’s a fact that women are capable, but when the time to vote comes, people prefer men to be in power.

Keep practicing writing better structure.

I believe women have the right qualities to be leaders, regardless of the type of business.

I believe there is discrimination with women rigths in the political and business world. By first hand, I can assure, engineer women recieve worst salary than men, at least in Spain, we earn 25% minus salary than men, even though, the man is less competent.

I think a way to change this situation is implementing possitive discrimination, until policial and business people get used to seeing women in managerial positions. Possitive discrimition promotes integration and diversity, due to, it seeks to establish participation quotes of social minorities (as women, homosexuals people, latinamerican people, etc)

I have worked with several female bosses, and I have had several different types of experiences, as with me.

Good word choices. Keep going with your writing practice.

I believe there is discrimination with women rigths in the political and business world.
> I believe there is inequality between men and women’s rights in the political and business world.

Well done.

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