Drone Deliveries Coming to a Home Near You

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Drones are a fun way to capture a view from above. In the United States, however, governments have started on laws to regulate the use of drones.

Watch the video below and express your thoughts.


Discussion Questions:

1. Do you like online shopping? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
2. What can you say about the new technology that Amazon is planning to use for deliveries?
3. How do you think this technology will affect the demand on human labor in the commercial industry?
4. Does your city have very strict rules when it comes to using drones?

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2 replies on “Drone Deliveries Coming to a Home Near You”

I rather online shopping depending on what I need to buy. For instance, for buying clothes, I need to try if it fits and how I look, but when I look for some specific electronic device, it’s better to check all the characteristics and comments in the online store.

One advantage of online shopping is that you don’t have to drive to the store and a disadvantage would be that you have to wait for the delivery.

I think that it’s a great progress but I guess that it needs time to be expanded over the world. Also, it needs to be well regulated, because drones can wear cameras and spy people and we would lose privacy.

Of course delivery workers are going to lose their jobs, but other jobs will be created because it has happened in the past. For instance, today we don’t need a lot of farmers to produce food for all the population, but we demand things that we didn’t in the past, such as electronic devices, traveling, digital content, etc.

Thank you for your time answering the discussion questions for this lesson.

Here are two ways you can express this sentence:

I rather online shopping depending on what I need to buy.

I prefer online shopping depending on what I need to buy.

Another way is: I’d rather go shopping online depending on what I need to buy.

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