A Social Experiment on Social Learning

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Social experiments can be very interesting. Below is a video on how people sometimes conform to society, even without knowing why.

Watch the video then express your thoughts.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “internalized behavior“. “This sort of internalized form of her behavior is part of what we call “social learning”, starting at a very early age when we see members of our group perform a task.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “to follow in one’s footsteps” mean, “Our brains [ literally ] rewards us for following in their footsteps.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  3. What does the idiom “to join the ranks” mean, “It’s why even this rebel, who wasn’t standing for any of this nonsense, eventually joined the ranks.” Use this idiom in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Kindly explain the experiment. What were your thoughts on the result of this social experiment?
  2. How do you think you would do in this experiment?
  3. Do you agree or disagree that conformity affects the way you act? Explain and cite examples.
  4. Name some behaviors/beliefs you’ve got from social learning.
  5. What are the benefits and risks of social conformity?
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One reply on “A Social Experiment on Social Learning”

1. Kindly explain the experiment
Answer: According to the video, the experiment consists in evaluate, through a hidden camera, how people in a waiting room, conform to society, simply following the social rules, even without knowing why they do this.
2. What were your thoughts on the result of this social experiment?
Answer: I agree with the results of this experiment. A lot of times, when we are in a public place, we conform to the social norms.
3. How many beeps do you think it will take before you stand up? Would you ask someone why they’re doing that?
Answer: Some people stand up after three beeps. I think they do this for following the crowd.
4. Do you agree or disagree that conformity makes us social?
Answer: I agree with this.
5. What are the benefits and risks of social conformity?
Answer: The benefits of social conformity are that these allow to keep the organization in the public places. Sometimes the social conformity have also their risks , for example, when an accident happens, and a lot of people is seeing and block the job of the staff of help.

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