Winning the Lottery Make You Happier

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Times are hard these days. Something most people think that can help make things so much better is getting very fortunate one day and winning the lottery.

The million dollar question is, “Will winning the lottery make you happier?”.

Watch the video to find out.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Discuss your opinion on this, “Our emotional well-being do not improve with wealth or status beyond a certain point.“.
  2. Explain the concept of “hedonic adaptation” or “hedonic treadmill”. How do you jump off it?
  3. In your own view, can a huge of influx of money guarantees joy? Explain.
  4. Which do you think cause more happiness: extrinsic and material things or novel experiences? Defend your stand.
  5. How could winning a million dollars/euros change your emotional well-being? How about your life in general? Do you think it will make you happier for the rest of your life?
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2 replies on “Winning the Lottery Make You Happier”

1. People tend to have the same levels of happiness (average) most of the time, even if they are very rich o very poor. So if you win the lottery, that will only be a temporal boost in your happiness. Also, if you suffer and accident, you happiness will return in the future.
2. I have been very happy whenever I started a trip, and it lasted for a month or so. I am not a sad person and usually sadness doesn’t last too much in my case.
3. I think it will make me happier because I think I would manage them pretty well. I know that money comes with responsibilities such as taxes and one must be careful to not overspending it. With that money I would start my own company and work in what I like. Also, I would buy my own house, without depending on the bank.

It is great that you keep going with this exercise. Surely making your progress happen!

Take a look at how you can write this sentence better:

People tend to have the same levels of happiness (average) most of the time, even if they are very rich o very poor.

People tend to have the same normal level of happiness most of the time, no matter if they are very rich o very poor.

Until your next entry!

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