Determiners Some and Any

Determiners Some and Any Exercise Answers

Here are the answers to the Determiners Some and Any Exercise on this page.

1. A Everyone makes some mistakes in life.

2. A Could we have some bread?

3. B Allison didn’t make any mistakes during her performance.

4. A They have some money so they will buy a new computer.

5. B Please go to the supermarket because we don’t have any milk anymore.

6. B Has she got any questions?

7. A Would he like some coffee?

8. B They haven’t got any questions.

9. B I don’t have any preference.

10. B I did not make any money helping my neighbor.

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One reply on “Determiners Some and Any”

Answer this exercise on determiners some and any.

1. Everyone makes some mistakes in life.
2. Could we have some bread?
3. Allison didn’t make any mistakes during her performance.
4. They have some money so they will buy a new computer.
5. Please go to the supermarket because we don’t have any milk anymore.
6. Has she got any questions?
7. Would he like some coffee?
8. They haven’t got any questions.
9. I don’t have any preference.
10. I did not make some money helping my neighbor.

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