Japan’s Labor Shortage: Seniors Take on New Roles

Japan’s labor shortage has become a pressing issue due to its aging population and declining birth rates. To address this challenge, many seniors are stepping into new roles within the workforce. This trend not only helps mitigate the labor gap but also allows older adults to stay active and engaged in society. The involvement of seniors in various sectors is reshaping Japan’s labor landscape and prompting discussions on the potential benefits and challenges of an aging workforce.

Watch the video and be able to answer and discuss the questions below:



  1. What does the word “boast” mean? Ex. Japan is a country that boasts the world’s longest average life expectancy. Use the word in a sentence.
  2. What does the word “plummet” mean? Ex. Airlines business plummeted during the pandemic. Make a sentence using the word.
  3. What does “uptick” mean? Ex. We’re not the only ones to have an uptick in business. Use the word in a sentence.


  1. What are the main factors contributing to Japan’s labor shortage?
  2. Do you think the integration of seniors into the workforce is a viable long-term solution to Japan’s labor shortage? Why or why not?
  3. How might the presence of seniors in the workforce influence workplace dynamics and intergenerational relationships?
  4. Do you believe there is an age limit beyond which individuals should not be expected to work? Why or why not?
  5. How can society balance the need for seniors in the workforce with the need to provide opportunities for younger workers?

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