Spain: New Law Against Trafficking

Spain recently introduced a new law aimed at combatting human trafficking in the country. This law toughens penalties for those who participate in human trafficking for various purposes, such as forced labor or sexual exploitation. The government hopes this new legislation will help protect vulnerable people and punish those who exploit them.

Read the article and share your thought s about it.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the noun“Exploitation” mean? “The Spanish government announced its decision to transform the draft of the Integral Organic Law against Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings, promoted during the previous term, into law.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the adverb “prematurely” mean? “It was also announced that the VioGén system will be strengthened, in order to prevent victims of male violence being left “prematurely” without police protection and to grant financial aid to victims of sexual violence.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the “vulnerability” mean? “traffickers take advantage of the country’s proximity with Northern Africa, its cultural connection with Latin America, and migrants’ vulnerability. “Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is human trafficking?
  2. What is the new law about?
  1. How can we raise awareness about human trafficking?
  2. What steps can countries take to strengthen laws against human trafficking? Do you have any suggestions?
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