25 Relationship Goals for 2025

Collaboratively establishing objectives, whether they’re related to travel, finances, or personal growth, can provide a sense of purpose and unity.

Read the article to know why working towards common aspirations strengthens your partnership.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “carve out” mean? “Carve out time each day to talk with your partner about their day, thoughts and feelings.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “extended family” mean? “It helps maintain close bonds between immediate and extended family.Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “immersive” mean? “Cook meals that match the theme and dress accordingly for an immersive , fun experience.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you and your partner ensure you spend uninterrupted quality time together amidst your busy schedules?
  2. One of the suggested goals is to create small, recurring relationship rituals, like having coffee together every Sunday morning. Do you and your partner have any rituals or traditions that strengthen your bond?
  3. How do you manage digital distractions to prioritize your relationship?
  4. Planning a monthly adventure day is suggested as a way to create shared memories and deepen your bond. What new and exciting activities have you and your partner tried together recently?
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