Walk or Cycle for ‘a Happier Commute”

B1 – Intermediate

Walking or cycling to work instead of driving a car can improve feelings of health and happiness. Click on the title to know more about alternative ways of commuting. Be ready to answer some discussion questions.


Click on the title to listen to the report:


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you get to work?
  2. Do you think it is better to walk, to take your bike or to travel by public transport to work?
  3. What kind of exercise routine do you have?
  4. How do you stay healthy and happy?
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6 replies on “Walk or Cycle for ‘a Happier Commute””

* It depends on where I have to go. If it’s far and public transport takes a long time, I go by car. I would like to always walk, but the closest job is 11 km away. On a bike it would also be very good. Next would be public transportation.
* I really like walking. This is how I try to stay healthy and free my mind from work and daily routine. Sometimes I play basketball. When I have more time, I like to go out with the bike.

Great work staying persistent in improving your skills through this exercise.

Here is how you can structure this sentence properly:

On a bike it would also be very good.

It would also be very good to go by bike.

Keep up the good job.

1. How do you get to work?
I used to go to work by public transport. I usually go by metro because It’s faster than buses.
2. Do you think it is better to walk, to take your bike or to travel by public transport to work?
I think it’s difficult decide which is the better the transport to get the work. I’d like to go walking but it’ impossible
3. What kind of exercise routine do you have?
Perphaps, I used to walk about 30
4. How do you stay healthy and happy?
I try all the days to be happy because I and my family are healthy and for me it’s very important.

Thanks for your responses about this topic. Please check the following corrections for you:

I used to go to work by public transport.
> I USUALLY GO to work by public transport.

I think it’s difficult decide which is the better the transport to get the work.
> I think it’s difficult TO decide which is the BEST transport to get TO work.

Perphaps, I used to walk about 30 minutes.
> I usually walk for about 30 minutes everyday.

I try all the days to be happy because I and my family are healthy and for me it’s very important.
> I try to be happy everyday because my family and I are healthy and for me, it’s very important.

Continue expressing through writing.

Walking or cycling for commuting?
It must be a joke.
I usually drive my Car’s company to go to work. Visiting several customers throughout the day is an important part of my job. Nowadays, driving a car in Madrid is a growing issue because of traffic jams. Sometimes, it took me two hours to get to the customer. In the worst days, I spend more time inside the car than fixing machines.
Nobody can dispute the fact that if everyone could commute walking or biking, it would be great. However, it is impossible nowadays. Most people live too far from their jobs therefore, they need to drive their cars or take public transport.
Despite the aforementioned, I do an exercise routine riding my bicycle across the country or running in the park. After doing exercise, I am in a better mood, especially after an awful day at work.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. Here are some corrections for you:

Sometimes, it took me two hours to get to the customer.
> It sometimes takes me two hours to get to the customer.

Despite the aforementioned, I do an exercise routine riding my bicycle across the country or running in the park.
> Despite this, I do an exercise routine riding my bicycle across the country or running in the park.

Keep at it. Thanks.

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