Why Do We Feel Nostalgia?

C1 – Advanced

On holidays, it’s natural to feel a longing for times gone by—a childhood spent singing carols or meals spent with now departed loved ones. Recently, scientists have explored the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia, finding that it serves a positive function, improving mood and possibly mental health.

Watch and listen carefully to the video and be ready to answer the questions:


1. What makes you nostalgic?

2. How often do you feel nostalgic and how does it affect you? Does it affect you in a positive way or in a negative way?

3. In your own opinion, Is nostalgia good or bad? Explain your answer.

4. How do you deal with nostalgia?

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2 replies on “Why Do We Feel Nostalgia?”

1. What makes you nostalgic?
some things make me feel nostalgic such as Remembering my origins, the good moments when I was a kid, when remembering a special trip…
2. How often do you feel nostalgic and how does it affect you? Does it affect you in a positive way or in a negative way?
Not quite often, just in moments that I remember something special. It affects me both, in positive way because it means that a good feeling has come to my head and in negative way at the same time because it makes me think about the quick pass of time.
3. In your own opinion, Is nostalgia good or bad?
Neither good nor bad. I think is a strange feeling that can cause good and bad feelings at the same time
4. How do you deal with nostalgia?
I deal with it by thinking always at the positive side of it

1. What makes you nostalgic?
Answer: When I remember my family, I feel nostalgic.

2. How often do you feel nostalgic and how does it affect you? Does it affect you in a positive way or in a negative way?
Answer: I feel nostalgic several times, but this affects me in a positive way, because I can appreciate all that I have, and I become in a stronger person.

3. In your own opinion, Is nostalgia good or bad?
Answer : I think that nostalgia can be good or bad, depending that way you can see it, because can be a friend or maybe can affect your health.

4. How do you deal with nostalgia?
Answer: When I feel nostalgic, I watch TV, I go to walk, and I talk to my friends.

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