A Lake Is Full of Fish Again

B1 – Intermediate

Lakes have many uses for humans. However, what happens when a lake dries up?

This is what happened to Lake Dojran, a lake that is located in North Macedonia and Greece. It is one of the largest lakes in Macedonia.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about Lake Dojran and the efforts in reviving it.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. Do you think we are taking care of nature enough? 
  3. How can we take care of our lakes, rivers, seas, etc.?
  4. Share a similar problem you have in your country. What was done to solve that problem?
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2 replies on “A Lake Is Full of Fish Again”

1. What is your reaction to this news?
I believe all people must take care of our natural environment, our lakes, our beaches, mountains, trees. Generally speaking, our planet.

2. Do you think we are taking care of nature enough?
I don’t think so. The main goal for most of the countries is to get money in any way. It’s important, but we must do it taking care of the environment too.

3. How can we take care of our lakes, rivers, seas, etc.?
For example, having better habits. Educating people to keep clean our natural environment.

4. Share a similar problem you have in your country. What was done to solve that problem?.
Here in south of Spain there are problems with water when we’ve dry season (no raining). One of the things is to have a collection of water to solve it.

Well done writing your responses for this lesson. Thank you so much for your efforts!

Here are better words you can use to express this sentence well:

The main goal for most of the countries is to get money in any way.

The main goal of almost all countries is to make money or to generate revenues in any way.

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