Would You Return a Lost Wallet Full of Cash?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At some point of our life we lost something that is valuable to us. One good example is losing a wallet. Isn’t it puzzling to imagine what will likely to happen if one day someone would find a lost wallet? Well, most of us would predict that it wouldn’t be returned as we assume it is normal to our human nature, but recently there is an intriguing yet very interesting social experiment of losing their wallets filled with cash to be likely returned.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What will you do if you found a lost wallet? Will you return it?
  2. What if it has 10,000 Euros?
  3. Is it stealing if you won’t return it?
  4. What factors would influence your decision whether to return or keep it?
  5. What does this tell us about humanity?
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