First Female Honduras President

B1 – Intermediate

Many people are now inspired to push for change and betterment by exercising their rights as citizens. This is what happened in Honduras during their 2021 elections. The people voted for their very first female president who has promising plans for their country.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the first female president of Honduras.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What qualifications would you like a government official to have?
  2. Do you think having a female leader is a good or a bad thing? Explain.
  3. Are there differences in terms of leadership between a male and a female leader? What might they be?
  4. What would be an effective way to express your concerns to government leaders?
  5. Would it be better if your city/country had a female government leader? Explain.
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2 replies on “First Female Honduras President”

1) What qualifications would you like a government official to have?
I think that, as minimum, they would be fluent in English because they require to the rest of population this fact, sometimes, in order to be hired and we have had some presidents in Spain that didn’t speak English.
And it would be also important to have studied political science and an extensive knowledge of international politics.

2) Do you think having a female leader is a good or a bad thing?. Explain.
I think that being a great leader is not a consequence of gender or race. A lot of people (no everybody) can even learn to be a good leader (leaving aside academic training and talking about personality traits).
You have to know how to listen and communicate in the most efficient way as possible. You should be an example of behavior and actions and you should be firm and consistent in making decisions.

3) Are there differences in terms of leadership between a male and a female leader? What might they be?
It has always been considered that female leadership is community, social, participatory and transformational, since they have the ability to transform and exert a positive influence on team members. On the other side, men leadership has always been that of goal-oriented achievement leaders.
The ideal situation for me would be a mix between both behaviors or ways of acting.

4) What would be an effective way to express your concerns to government leaders?
Among the citizen participation mechanisms are the plebiscite, the referendum, the popular consultation, the open town hall, the legislative initiative and the revocation of the mandate.
And every time it seems that social networks are obtaining more strength.

5) Would it be better if your city / country had a female government leader?. Explain.
Currently in the government of Spain we have an example that meets the topics on this topic. The president (male) is only oriented to achieve goals and thanks to the vice president (female) citizens are being heard and are obtaining social and economic benefits within the critical framework that we are living.

Good job answering your lesson’s discussion questions.

See how this sentence can be written better:

The president (male) is only oriented to achieve goals and thanks to the vice president (female) citizens are being heard and are obtaining social and economic benefits within the critical framework that we are living.

The president, who is a male, is only focused on achieving their goals, but thanks to the female vice president, citizens are being heard and are obtaining social and economic benefits within the critical framework that we are living in.

Until your next entry!

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