Birds Clean Streets

B1 – Intermediate

Sweden has a problem with litter. Smokers produce a huge amount of litter per year. The government has a plan to help solve this problem and to lessen the costs of cleaning the streets.

Swedish officials have decided to work with crows, partnered with a machine, to throw away these cigarette butts. They believe that they are easy to teach because they are smart.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript below to learn more about how these clever birds help with Sweden’s litter problem.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some government mandates for smokers in your city?
  2. How is the general trash situation in your city/neighborhood?
  3. What are other birds/animals that can be used for a similar purpose?
  4. Does your government also have inventions or initiatives that help clean the city? What are they?
  5. What are some other special or unusual abilities that animals are capable of doing to help humans? Can some abilities be taught?
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