
A prefix is one or more letters added before a base word to change its meaning. Prefixes have different functions. They may make the word negative (-un, in), by showing repetition (-re), or by showing support (-pro).

Prefixes are mostly used to shorten phrases. For example, if you want to say that someone is “eating too much“, you can simply say that they are “overeating“.

Here is a list of prefixes from a-z and their meaning and examples.

abaway, fromabstract, abort, abrupt
anot or without, a state of beingatypical, amoral, anew
adto, toward, nearadjust, adapt, adverb
ambibothambivalent, ambilateral
ante-beforeanteroom, antechoir
anti-against, opposingantibiotic, antibacterial
archchief, most importantarchenemy, archbishop
aat, in, on, toawake
atto, towardattend
autoselfautomatic, autobiography
because to bebespoke, belittle
benegoodbenefactor, benediction
bitwo, twicebicycle, billingual
circum-aroundcircumference, circuit
cowith, togethercollude, coalition
conjointlyconnect, consensus
contraagainstcontraindicate, contraceptive
counteroppositecounteract, counterbalance
co-withco-author, co-parent
decatendecagon, decagram
demihalfdemibillionaire, demivoice
de-off, down, away fromdescend, deactivate, declog
diathrough, acrossdiagonal, diagram
dis-opposite of, notdisadvantage, discredit
dysbad, abnormaldyslexia
em-cause toembitter, empower
em-, en-cause to, put intoenlighten, embody
en-to cause, provideensure
epi-upon, close to, afterepidemic, epilogue
ethnorace, nationethnocentric
ex-former, out ofex-wife, exclude
extra-outside, beyondextramarital, extracurricular
fore-beforeforefather, foresee
homo-samehomonym, homosexual
hyper-beyond, more than, more than normalhypersensitive, hyperbole
im-,-ininimproper, influence
il-, im-, in-, ir-notillogical, impossible, inappropriate, irrational
infra-beneath, belowinfrastructure, infrahuman
im-, in-intoinject, imbibe
inter-, intra-betweeninteract, intravenous
macro-largemacrolanguage, macrohistory
micro-smallmicrochip, microorganism
mid-middlemidterm, midpoint
mis-wronglymisuse, mismanage
mono-one, singularmonologue, monopoly
non-not, withoutnonfiction, nonpayment
omni-all, everyomnipresent, omniscience
over-overoverrule, overkill
para-beside, closely relatedparagraph, paradigm
post-afterpostgame, postseason
pre-beforeprenatal, prenuptial
re-againrestart, relive
semi-halfsemicircle, semiformal
sub-undersubmarine, subordinate, subtitle
therm-heatthermal, thermonuclear
trans-across, beyondtranslucent, transparent
tri-threetristate, triathlon, tricolor
under- underunderpay, undergo
un-notunable, uncommon, unhappy
uni-oneunicameral, unison


When to use hyphens with prefixes:

a. Prefix with a proper noun except for the word “transatlantic“, the only word that does not follow this rule on proper nouns.

pro-China protesters
trans-American flights

b. If the word with the prefix already exists, use a hyphen.

resign = voluntarily leave a job or other position
re-sign = sign (a document) again

c. all-, ex– (former), and self

The prefix ex- has two different meanings (“out from,” and “in the past”).
Only use a hyphen when the meaning of ex- is “former” or “in the past.”


The prefix “extra” does not need a hyphen if it means “outside of“.

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