Severe Turbulence Hits Singapore Airlines Flight

B1 – Intermediate 

Singapore Airlines flight flying from London to Singapore experienced severe turbulence when they hit an air pocket.

This resulted to the plane making an emergency landing in Bangkok, one death and multiple injuries, some were critical ones.

Thankfully, extremely strong turbulence such as this does not happen very often, but it is possible.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about severe turbulence that Singapore Airlines flight suffered.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “turbulence”? “A plane traveling from London to Singapore experienced severe turbulence and was forced to an emergency landing at Bangkok Airport.” Make your own sentence with this word.
  2. Define “air pocket”. “The Boeing 777 hit an air pocket in Thai airspace, which led to turbulence.” Make your own sentence with this phrase.
  3. What does “tarmac” mean? “Many passengers and crew members were treated at a field hospital on the tarmac.”  Make your own sentence with this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What happened during this flight. State as much details as possible.
  2. What was your reaction to this news?
  3. How can Singapore Airlines help the affected passengers on this flight?
  4. How can airlines be more prepared for this kind of mid-flight incidents?
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