European Roads Are Full of Holidaymakers

B1 – Intermediate

Summer is peak travel season and due to this, European roads become congested with so many people going on their holidays. Families, tourists, and travelers from various countries take to the roads to enjoy their vacations, leading to heavy traffic and busy routes.

This increase in road activity can create challenges such as longer travel times and traffic jams. Understanding this seasonal trend helps in planning trips and managing travel expectations during busy periods.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about traffic jams in Europe this summer.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does traffic jam mean? “Traffic jams are causing problems in Europe as people go on summer holidays.” Use it in a senence.
  2. What does motorway mean? “In Bavaria, tourists are traveling to Italy and Austria. Last weekend, they caused 14 kilometers of traffic jams on the A8 motorway.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does toll plaza mean? “The Croatian Tourist Board is giving water bottles and car air fresheners to tourists at toll plazas and ferry ports.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do traffic jams affect travelers’ experiences and plans?
  2. What do you think drivers can do to make long trips during busy times easier?
  3. Why do traffic jams become more common during the summer holidays in Europe? Elaborate.
  4. Why is it important to take breaks and drink water during long drives?
  5. Talk about your own experience with traffic jams during peak season in your city/country.
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One reply on “European Roads Are Full of Holidaymakers”

– How do traffic jams affect travelers’ experiences and plans?

Traffic jams are a big problem because people lose a lot of time on the road. Also, they can provoke many accidents because, after many hours of driving, drivers can get distracted.

– What do you think drivers can do to make long trips during busy times easier?

Maybe drivers could change their departure times. If they change their departure times, traffic jams could be reduced.

– Why do traffic jams become more common during the summer holidays in Europe? Elaborate.

During holidays, people like to travel because, after working for a long time, they finally have time off. When workers go on vacation, they need to travel to disconnect. In summer, there is good weather, and people enjoy going to the beach, visiting other cities, and exploring different regions.

– Why is it important to take breaks and drink water during long drives?

Because if you drink water or another drink low in sugar or carbonation, it helps you stay focused on the road. It is necessary to take a break every two hours, but if you feel tired, you should stop earlier

– Talk about your own experience with traffic jams during peak season in your city/country.

I live in Madrid, and there is always a lot of traffic here. Every weekend, there is heavy traffic when people come from other places. In Spain, it is common for the Civil Guard and the authorities to conduct surveillance campaigns and set up traffic control points during long weekends or holidays. I am used to seeing the Civil Guard conducting breathalyzer tests and speed checks.

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