People Will Fall in Love with AI Voices

B1 – Intermediate 

In the film “Her” starring Joaquin Phoenix, he starts using a new operating system. He meets “Samantha”, an AI assistant. At first, they become friends and then eventually, he falls in love with his AI assistant.

Science fiction.

But now, scientists are afraid it is highly likely for humans to form some kind of emotional dependency on or even love for their AIs or chatbots.

Read the article to know more about scientists’ worries about the possibility of people falling in love with AI.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “reshape” mean? “They will reshape how we interact with family, friends and colleagues. ” Use the word in your own sentence and give a synonym.
  2. What does “usurp” mean? “They may even usurp communication among humans.” Use the word in your own sentence and give a synonym.
  3. What is “societal bias”? Give a synonym of this term. “ writes that the new  chatbot includes “the potential…to amplify societal biases, spread disinformation, and aid in the development of chemical or biological weapons”.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. Do you think this is possible to happen? Why or why not?
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Users might form social relationships with the AI, reducing their need for human interaction.”.
  4. What are the pros and cons of talking to AI?
  5. How do you think chatbots could change society?
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2 replies on “People Will Fall in Love with AI Voices”

– What is your reaction to this news?
I think that people are going crazy. I think that artificial intelligence can never replace to the humans.

– Do you think this is possible to happen? Why or why not?

I think that is not possible. The government are going to legislate so that doesn’t happen.

– Share your opinion on this, “Users might form social relationships with the AI, reducing their need for human interaction.”.

If that is going to happen, I don’t want to see. People need to relate to move. Relate is part to the socialization and learning.

– What are the pros and cons of talking to AI?

As pros, the AI help some people with social problems. Its help can to be very important.

As cons, people can to think that the AI has all and that humans are not necessary to learn.

– How do you think chatbots could change society?

It could to be used for improve the health. Also it could to be use for improve the teaching and the learning.

Everybody used the AI in this moment, workers, students, teachers…

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Great to see you starting with your writing practice here.

See how you can improve this sentence a bit:

It could to be used for improve the health. Also it could to be use for improve the teaching and the learning.

It could to be used to improve the our/people’s health. It could also to be used to develop the teaching and the learning.

May this exercise help you develop your skills more.

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