Hoverbikes for American Soldiers 

B1 – Intermediate

Hoverbikes are some of the stuff we see in science fiction. It is a one-person transport that flies above the ground. This dream could soon be a reality thanks to a few British developers and American engineers working on it.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the prototype hoverbike for the American Department of Defense.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “running cost” mean? “The aircraft would replace many of the jobs a helicopter is currently used for, with the advantages being safety, price and running costs.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the word “on-board” mean in this context? “It also has on-board sensors and autopilot features, which allow the hoverbike to act like a drone.” Use it in your own sentence.
  3. Define the adjective “unmanned“. “The US Department of Defence is interested in hoverbike technology because of its versatility – a hoverbike can be used to transport supplies, fly unmanned and operate as a surveillance platform“. Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own words, describe this state-of-the-art hoverbike.
  2. What are the practical uses of this modern hoverbike in law enforcement and infrastructure?
  3. What do you think are the risks associated with hoverbikes being used and sold commercially?
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2 replies on “Hoverbikes for American Soldiers ”

Here are the corrected responses:

• In your own words, describe this state-of-the-art hoverbike.

I think the hoverbike will be similar to a drone but with more power. It could be used for rescue operations.

• What are the practical uses of this modern hoverbike in law enforcement and infrastructure?

I think in law enforcement, it should be used for border control or to support surveillance in more remote or unprotected areas.

• What do you think are the risks associated with hoverbikes being used and sold commercially?

The risks are always the same: hoverbikes could be used for criminal activities or warfare. For example, drones are being used in wars. Although they are also used for other purposes, their primary use at the moment is in warfare.

Good that you are staying consistent with your practice. Keep at it!

See how you can revise this response:

I think the hoverbike will be similar to a drone but with more power.

I think the hoverbikes will be are very similar to a drones, but with hovercycles have a little more power.

Continue doing this writing exercise to enhance your skills further!

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