Video Games Good for Children


B1 – Intermediate

Different studies were conducted on how behavior among children and teenagers are affected by playing video games. A study in Oxford University found that playing video games for less than an hour a day is good. On the other hand, playing violent video games influence teenagers to be more aggressive.

Read the article to know more about the possible benefits and consequences of vieo games on children.

Study: Playing Video Games Good for Children


1. Do you play video games?
2. Does it affect your way of thinking and behaviour?
3. Do you agree with idea suggested in the article?
4. Would you allow your children to play video games? If yes, what set of rules would you impose?

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2 replies on “Video Games Good for Children”

1. Do you play video games?
No, I don’t play video games, I don’t like to play video games I prefer practice any kind of sport or spend time with my family.
2. Does it affect your way of thinking and behaviour?
I think It affects my way of thinking and behaviour because I have more time for spending it with my family and friends or outdoor and not being in front of a monitor playing against a machine or people who I don’t know.
3. Do you agree with idea suggested in the article?
I agree with idea suggested in the article that to play video games less than hour has good effects but to spend more than two hours is not a good idea above all if video games are violents.
4. Would you allow your children to play video games? If yes, what set of rules would you impose
Yes, I would allow my children to play video games but only for a just time and if the game is not violent one or about war.

Thank you for writing your answers to the discussion questions of this lesson.

See how you can revise this sentence:

Yes, I would allow my children to play video games but only for a just time and if the game is not violent one or about war.

Yes, I would allow my children to play video games, but only if the game is not a violent one or about war and they would just be allowed to play for a reasonable amount of time.

Keep going with this exercise to improve your writing more and more.

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