Stress Management

B1 – Intermediate

Stress is a very common word for most people. It comes from different causes and everybody can have it. Everyone can experience stress and there are ways to be free from it.

Let’s learn how to manage stress properly.

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you consider yourself stressed out?
2. What are the major causes of your stress?
3. What are the ways you do to deal with your stress?

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8 replies on “Stress Management”

1. Really I think no. In spite of my work could be it. I know myself, body and mind.
2. For me, the major causes of stress are my daughter is fine, she is two years old. And my job, but I can handel it.
3. For handle it, I prioritise my job, I have an agenda. Respecting my working hours, and try to do something of sports.

Good job trying to practice your writing. Keep doing this exercise.

Note how this sentence can be improved:

Really I think no. In spite of my work could be it.

I really don’t think so. Although, my work could be causing it at times.

Keep trying to practice more and more so you can see further improvement.

1. Would you consider yourself stressed out?
Well, it depends on the situation. I don’t consider a stressed person .
2. What are the major causes of your stress?
The major causes of my stress are the work, now I’m working in a new project and I’m not stressed.
Other causes are the all things that I need to do all day, because in this moment I am teleworking and it is supouse that I need prepare de meal between other task.
Really I prefer to do mix working.
3. What are the ways you do to deal with your stress?
I think that the best way to manage my stress is take a free days to go at the beach or climb the montains.
Desconect of day to day.

Well done writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions. Keep up the good work.

Take a look at how to better write this sentence:

I don’t consider a stressed person.

I don’t consider myself a stressed person.

Keep practicing!

*Currently I feel stressed. I have a lot of work. There are also the daily activities of the house and my daughters.
* The main cause is work. I have started a new project and the beginnings are always difficult.
* Right now I’m not managing it very well. But other times, I relax by listening to music, going for a walk, or getting a massage.

Thank you for sharing your current situation. We appreciate your efforts in doing your homework here now that we know how occupied you are in your life. All the best!

Here is a better way to express this answer:

There are also the daily activities of the house and my daughters.

I also have a lot of household chores and in addition to this, I need to take care of and spend time with my daughters.

Just make sure you maintain your consistency in practicing your writing.

1. Would you consider yourself stressed out?
I have a medium level of stress.
2. What are the major causes of your stress?
Work overload.
3. What are the ways you do to deal with your stress?
Sorting the tasks that I have to perform and disconnecting a few minutes every so often from the task that I am doing.

Thanks for writing your answers down. Try to be as elaborate as possible on your answers for your next lessons.

It would be better to say ‘normal’ in this case:
I have a medium level of stress.

I have a normal level of stress.

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