Are Computers Making Us Less Clever?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this digital age, humans are growing more and more reliant on technology. We all know that technology is supposed to make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, what do you think are the things that we are losing when we rely too much on computers and smartphones?

Listen to the podcast and be ready to answer some discussions. Take note of new vocabulary words.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some skills that you think you may have lost a little due to gadget/technology dependency?
  2. How do you make sure you don’t get de-skilled at something?
  3. In your opinion, how dependent are we on computers? Cite examples of situations that prove your point.
  4. Do you agree that we are dependent on computers and technology? Why or why not?
  5. How dependent are you on your phone? Why do you think this is the case?
  6. Which do you prefer, meeting other people online or speaking with them face-to-face? Why?
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8 replies on “Are Computers Making Us Less Clever?”

1. Of course we do, while you could think that it is possible, almost everything you eat, drink or consume in any way needs computers to be made. That, I think is a pretty huge dependency.
2. On the phone, not as much as every one else, I think. I tend to go out without it and if I need to bring it I tend to not use it until is necessary.
3. Face-to-face, almost every time. The only occasion i can think of would be some procedure that I don’t want to do, in that case i would do it online and fast.

Thank you for doing your best in answering your lesson’s discussion question. You did a good job.

Take a look at how you can write this sentence a bit better:

Face-to-face, almost every time. The only occasion i can think of would be some procedure that I don’t want to do, in that case i would do it online and fast.

Most of the time, I prefer to meet people face-to-face. The only occasion I can think of where I’d rather do it online would be with some procedures that I don’t want to do, in that case i would do it online and fast.

Keep practicing your writing by means of this exercise.

1. Do you agree that we are dependent on computers and technology?
The question about dependent on computers and technology is always a controversial issue. While many people consider bad, other people consider that it is necessary and defend it. As I see it, according to the audio I have read I completly agree. We spend a lot of time watching the screens of our smatphones, laptops and tablets because it makes our lifes easier and I consider so too that it create an adicition similar to other drugs.
I consider that technology have more advantages than disadvantages but we shouldn´t use it every time because we lost skills and abilities. Also, we should think for ourselves and as the audio says “exercising their own talents”

2. How dependent are you on your phone?
I believe that I haven´t an adicition with technology or smartphones, but it is true that I use more and more my Smartphone in order to watch the weather, searching for information at the websites, reading the newspapers and management my social networks.

3. Which do you prefer, meeting other people online or speaking with them face-to-face?
Front my point of view, it is better speaking with a face to face conversation because I believe that non verbal communication is really important in a conversation and stickers and emojies don´t convey feelings as good as a body lenguaje.
A strong point against of talking online is that it creates misunderstandings and miscommunication because eye contact and body lenguage allow us to receive all the information from the other.

Job well done writing your responses.

Here are a few things you can change to improve this sentence:

Front my point of view, it is better speaking with a face to face conversation because I believe that non verbal communication is really important in a conversation and stickers and emojies don´t convey feelings as good as a body lenguaje.

From my point of view, it is better to speak to others face-to-face conversation because I believe that non-verbal cues are really important in a conversation and stickers and emojis don´t convey feelings as well as a body language does.

Revised version:

From my point of view, it is better to speak to others face-to-face conversation because I believe that non-verbal cues are really important in a conversation and stickers and emojis don’t convey feelings as well as body language does.

Keep practicing to see your skills improve further.

1. Do you agree that we are dependent on computers and technology?
Yes, I totally agree. Computers and technology are present in almost everything we do these days.

2. How dependent are you on your phone?
I am very dependent on my smartphone indeed. I have two sim cards on it, one personal and one for my job, and I’m always checking emails and chat apps for example. I use it to check my bank account, listen to podcasts, watch youtube channels, read the latest news, translate words or phrases, and more.

3. Which do you prefer, meeting other people online or speaking with them face-to-face?
I prefer meeting other people face to face, but Internet and online meetings can be very useful when you need to talk to people not physically close to you.

You are doing great in practicing your writing skills.

Let’s look at how you can improve this sentence:

I am very dependent on my smartphone indeed. I have two sim cards on it, one personal and one for my job, and I’m always checking emails and chat apps for example.

I have two sim cards on it, one personal and one for my job. I am very dependent on my smartphone indeed. For example, I’m always checking emails and chat apps.

Keep it up!

I completely agree with the statement that now we are dependent on computers and technology. I always go with my smartphone all day. However, this dependency has some positive aspects and some drawbacks.

As far as the positive things are concerned, computers are faster than human beings. For instance, they are able to reckon a calculation in a tenth of a second or build a car in an assembly line faster than several workers.

Another amazing consequence of new technology is the smartphone which not only allows you talking to another person wherever you are but also includes many applications. Applications, or in short apps, are computer programme that makes you things easier and faster. For instance, a GPS smartphone app allows you to get an unknown location giving you directions.

On the other hand, people reliant too much on technology may suffer the so-called diskiling effect. For instance, a student that only uses a computer to make calculations will not learn how to do maths. Another disadvantage of smartphones is that people isolate themself, I mean, they don’t talk to each other and spend many hours using their mobiles.

Elderly people usually find difficult to use new technology compared with the ability of youngsters that have been born in the digital age.

In my opinion, computers are going to get involved in all aspects of our lives more and more. However, we should practise some human skills such as calculations, conversations and writings in order to train our brains.

Technology can be a boon or bane. We hope you really try and maintain your most important human skills.

Please see how you can express the following sentences better:

I always have my smartphone with me all day.
Another amazing product/result of new technology is smartphones which not only allows you to talk to another person wherever you are but also lets you use many applications.
Elderly people usually find it difficult to use new technology compared with the ability of youngsters that have been born in the digital age.

Until your next entries!

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