Video: America’s Shrinking Homes

C1 – Advanced

America is the place where everything is big – from food portions to super skyscrapers and warehouse stores. “Small” is the last word one associates with the US. Surprisingly, however, it was in this very land of everything mega that the tiny house movement was born.

Watch the video and learn more about the minimalist lifestyle that has made some people move from big houses to whimsical dollhouse-type homes.

America’s shrinking homes


1. According to the video, why are there more and more people joining the tiny house movement?
2. In your country, what did people do to adjust when the economic crisis hit? Did people start selling their homes?
3. Is it usual for people to live in big houses in your country?
4. Describe your ideal house.

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2 replies on “Video: America’s Shrinking Homes”

According to this yourtube video, some people in America are opting to live in smaller houses due to high costs to buy and mantain a big property. I Spain and most europen countries the houses are a way smaller then in the US and is very common to live in flats. The ideal house should have enough space for your needs without excess and it should also have a spare bedroom for guests or new family members, this is more sustainable then the US house model which many times has too many bedrooms and items that in end is not environmentally friendly.

Great job writing your answers. You can write well but try to be a bit mindful with spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible to avoid committing very minor mistakes in your writing.

Take a look at some corrections in the following sentences:

According to this yourtube video, some people in America are opting to live in smaller houses due to high costs to buy and mantain a big property. I Spain and most europen countries the houses are a way smaller then in the US and is very common to live in flats.

According to this Youtube video, some people in America are opting to live in smaller houses due to high costs to buy and maintain a big property. In Spain and most European countries, the houses are a way smaller than those in the US and it is very common to live in flats.

Keep going with your writing practice. Cheers!

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