CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


B2 – Upper intermediate

Martin Shkreli just made hundreds of people hate him by making an outrageous decision of raising the price of his company’s products.

Read the article below to know more about the effects of his detested choice.

‘Hated’ CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


1. Is it fair that companies have the right to hike the price of their product as much as they desire?
2. How do you think consumers should be protected from any price hike of commodities?
3. Are pharmaceutical products in Spain affordable?

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2 replies on “CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%”

1. Is it fair that companies have the right to hike the price of their product as much as they desire?
In my opinion, it depends of the products that they sell. For example, if the products are for first needs, I consider that you don´t increse the price that you want, like this drug is. On the other hand, If you have and innovation or strange product, I do consider that you have the opportunity to set the price.

2. How do you think consumers should be protected from any price hike of commodities?
This question is really complicated to answer. Like in the last question, I think it depends of the product. But, like a consumer, you need to know the market and you need to have the capacity to find another products to give you similar features than others.

3. Are pharmaceutical products in Spain affordable?
Yes, because in Spain, the hospital and lot of drugs are publics. This means that it free for of the Spanish populations. This is possible because, the workers pay many taxes and the goverment innvest part of these taxes in public health care.

Good going with your writing practice. Stay consistent.

Here is how this one can be revised:

Yes, because in Spain, the hospital and lot of drugs are publics. This means that it free for of the Spanish populations.

Yes, because in Spain, the hospitals are public and a lot of medicines are free for the citizens.

Keep working on being able to write your thoughts down better.

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