The Unstoppable Growth of Themed Cruises

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Over the past decade, traveling on ​large ​ships for ​pleasure has become increasingly appealing to larger number of vacationists and younger generation holidaymakers. Themed cruises are now very popular catering not only to the traditional customers of this kind of holiday but also to people who are interested in varied subjects.

Read on this article about the growth of themed cruises.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever been on a cruise? Tell us about this holiday.
  2. Talk about the popularity of cruises among holidaymakers in your country.
  3. If you were to go on a themed cruise, what would it be?
  4. What are other popular holiday ideas common in your country?
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2 replies on “The Unstoppable Growth of Themed Cruises”

1. Have you ever been on a cruise? Tell us about this holiday.

No, I’ve never been on a cruise. But in the future, I would like to go on one. I think it might be a great experience.

2. Talk about the popularity of cruises among holidaymakers in your country.

I live in Spain, a Mediterranean country, which means that there are many cruises that come here. However, I don’t know of any specific holidaymakers that are especially successful.

3. If you were to go on a themed cruise, what would it be?

I’m an anime and Japanese culture fan. So, I guess that I would go on a cruise with this theme.

4. What are other popular holiday ideas common in your country?

I guess that here, one of the most common ideas is to go on a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, visiting countries like Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

You did well in sharing your responses to this lesson’s discussion questions.

See some minor revisions you can make in these sentences:

I think it might be a great experience.

I think it could be a great experience.

I guess that here, one of the most common ideas is to go on a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, visiting countries like Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

I guess that one of the most common ideas here is to go on a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, visiting countries like Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

Keep up the good job!

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