Venezuela Seizes Toys for Its Children

B1 – Intermediate

The government of Venezuela has decided to confiscate some toys from a distributor to give them to children for free or at discounted prices in time for Christmas. Do you think the government has the right to do this?

Read the article and let’s discuss.

 Discussion Questions:

1. What is your general opinion about the article?
2. How important are toys to children?
3. What are some of the toys that you enjoyed during your childhood?
4. What can you say about the toys of children today?
5. Is the government right to take the toys for the children?

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One reply on “Venezuela Seizes Toys for Its Children”

1. What is your general opinion of the article?
It is interesting to read something new about Venezuela.
2. How important are toys to children?
Very important, they make relationships playing with toys.
3. What are some of the toys that you enjoyed during your childhood?
Paper dolls. I draw, painted and cut them.
4. What can you say about the toys of children today?
They are very fancy.
5. Is the government right to take the toys for the children?
No, it isn’t.

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