Virtual Reality in the Classroom

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Virtual reality used to be just something out of a movie. Now, it is widely used in different industries, whether it be in entertainment or in technical training. But is it as effective if it is used in classrooms? Are there any physical side effects to using virtual reality?

Click the link below and read the article to know more of the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think that this technology can benefit students in their learning environment? Why or why not?

2. In the article, cite one advantage and one disadvantage of virtual reality in the classroom that you agree with. Explain why.

3. In your own personal opinion, do you think the advantages outweigh the drawbacks of Virtual Reality?

4. Would you like virtual reality to be applied in the classroom for your child or children? Or, would you rather have them be taught in a traditional way? Explain your answer.

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