Alternative Ways to Say Good

B1 – Intermediate

It’s no wonder that the English language is so full of words that we can use to say that we may seldom repeat a word to express how we feel. Here are 10 great alternatives that you can replace the word “good” to improve your English vocabulary that are fine to use in formal settings, such as the workplace, or among people or more informal settings, or when you’re trying to be friendly and express more emotion of affection.

Let’s look into learning new vocabulary words in the article below:

Discussion Questions:

1. What other words and phrases have you read or heard English speakers use when they say good?

2. Do you have any favorite alternative to saying good ? And Why?

3. How do you express yourself when you feel good about something?


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2 replies on “Alternative Ways to Say Good”

1. What other words and phrases have you read or heard English speakers use when they say good?
Apart from the words in the text I don’t remember other synonyms of good. Anyway, the text shows a vast range of options for not using always the same word.
2. Do you have any favorite alternative to saying good ? And Why?
A word that I use a lot is “perfect”. When a proposal suits good for me I usually answer: “perfect”
3. How do you express yourself when you feel good about something?
When I feel good about something I like to express it with nice words. I try to put across my feelings with words like wonderful or awesome

Good job with your answers here.

Here is a another way to express this sentence. Also take note on how to punctuate it better:

When a proposal suits good for me I usually answer: “perfect”

When a proposal suits good for me well, I usually answer, “Perfect.”.

Enjoy your writing practice!

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