To Keep Your Cool

B1 – Intermediate

If you keep your cool in a stressful situation, you manage to remain calm and composed. Now, if you lose your cool, then that would be the opposite, you get angry or enraged in difficult circumstances.

Let us hear more about the expression ‘to keep one’s cool’ in the audio below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does “keep one’s cool mean”?
  2. How do you react to difficult situations?
  3. What do you do when you are stressed?
  4. Have you ever lost your cool before? Talk about that situation.
  5. What would you do if someone goes ballistic over something very trivial?
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2 replies on “To Keep Your Cool”

1. What does “keep one’s cool mean”?
It means to remain calm, to be patient in situations that are difficult.
2. How do you react to difficult situations?
I have to say that it´s difficult to keep your cool when it´s a stressful situation, but I try to stop worrying so much, I take a breath and I try to think better on how I can solve the problema at hand.
3. What do you do when you are stressed?
I usually do sports and take time for myself to regain calm.
In other cases, I go out and spend time with family and friends.
4. Have you ever lost your cool before? Talk about that situation.
Speak about the day when my friend and I forgot the key of our home.

5. What would you do if someone goes ballistic over something very trivial?
I try to help that person, speaking with him/her slowly and calm. We have to think that sometimes for us, the situation is trivial but for other person, the situation is harder. So, we have to respect how person manage each situation.

You are doing a good job practicing your writing skills in English. Keep on it!

Take a look at this sentence and how you can express it a bit better:

I try to help that person, speaking with him/her slowly and calm.

I try to help that person by speaking with him/her slowly and calmly.

Until next time.

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