Selling Yourself

B2 – Upper  Intermediate 

Knowing how to talk about your accomplishments at work is quite the skill to have. This could come handy if you wish to step up the corporate ladder or land that job you are applying for. In some instances, you will have to make the gatekeepers in your workplace to take notice of and come to appreciate your work.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about selling yourself at work.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to sell yourself” mean? “Now, some people hate saying good things about themselves, so we’ll start with how to talk about your strengths and then we’ll discuss the kinds of questions you might be asked in an interview or by your manager that give you an opportunity to sell yourself.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “to have confidence in someone” mean, “I definitely think it’s important to be able to sell yourself at work, not only for your managers and your bosses and even your colleagues to have confidence in you and your work and what you’re able to produce, but also to give yourself that confidence.” Use this phrase in your own sentence.
  3. What does “appraisal” mean here, “So we’ve got lots of ways to talk about our strengths. But when’s the best time to do it? When we’re in a job interview or an appraisal, sometimes it’s not clear what the best answers are, Phil.”? Use this word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is important to know how to sell yourself?
  2. What might be other situations where this skill would be useful?
  3. Generally, how does talking about your achievements make you feel?
  4. If you are to sell yourself, how would you do it?
  5. Talk about an instance where you had to sell yourself at work. What could you have said differently?
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One reply on “Selling Yourself”

1. say positive things about yourself. he sold himself very well in the interview, so he got this position.
2. believe in someone’s capabilities. is the best player on the team, we all have confidence in him.
3. an evaluation. The manager carried out an appraisal of her employees’ performance.

Discussion Questions:

1. To make the other people or the person you are talking to know your virtues better. It is something important in work environments
2. In work environments, performance appraisals or when you meet someone
3. It is not something that I like or that I usually do, it seems to me that it is something that has to be done in very specific moments and being very cautious, since exaggerating some things can be a problem in the long run.
4. I would mention the virtues I think I have, and the knowledge I have, but always from a humble point of view, being aware that I am not the best at anything either.
5. In a job interview, to enter my current job, in which I did not have all the required experience, but I did have the attitude and the desire to learn about the position. I probably would have acted the same way, but trying to point out even more that I didn’t have the experience, since the first months were hard in that job.

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