A Job Interview

B1 –  Intermediate

A job interview is an important tool for employee selection. It involves a conversation between a job applicant and an interviewer.

Let’s watch a sample interview and be ready to answer the questions about it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about a typical interview in your country.
  2. Talk about your last job interview.
  3. What kinds of jobs have you applied for? Have you ever applied for a job you don’t have any experience in? How did it go?
  4. How do you answer this interview question, “How do you describe yourself?”
  5. What advice can you give to someone attending a job interview for the first time?

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1. Talk about a typical interview in your country.
Job interviews have changed in recent years. A few years ago the interviews were always face to face and the applicant had to meet with a person from the Human Resources Department and with the future director, but in recent years personal interviews are being replaced by online meetings, especially the first interview of selection. he
The structure of these interviews is more or less always the same: Reason for applying for the position, previous experience, training, skills, references.
2. Talk about your last job interview.
As an applicant, my last job interview was many years ago, and I remember that I had to pass more than 4 interviews. The first with the future boss, the second with a psychologist, a third with the head of human resources, a fourth again with my future boss and a fifth with the owner of the company –
As a manager, my last job interview was two months ago and it was a classic interview.
3. What kinds of jobs have you applied for? Have you ever applied for a job you don’t have any experience in? How did it go?
In my professional life I have been in two companies. In the first I did not pass any interview I started working as an apprentice when I was 14 years old, and the second I have explained in the previous answer.
I try to be honest in the answer, and I also refer to the opinion that other people have of me.
4. What advice can you give to someone attending a job interview for the first time?
Be honest in all answers

You did such a good job writing your answers for this lesson! Keep it up.

Focus a bit on proper punctuations in this sentence:

A few years ago the interviews were always face to face and the applicant had to meet with a person from the Human Resources Department and with the future director, but in recent years personal interviews are being replaced by online meetings, especially the first interview of selection.

A few years ago, the interviews were always face-to-face and the applicant had to meet with a person from the Human Resources Department and with the future director, but in recent years, personal interviews are being replaced by online meetings, especially the first/initial interview of for the selection process.

Your consistency will definitely help you improve more.

1.The interviews I have conducted have always been cordial.
2.My last interview was in a friendly environment, and for me it was a success. I got the job
3.Apply for the job of infrastructure technician. I have hardly ever applied for a job where I have no experience
4.I am a hard-working person who likes to have a good relationship with colleagues
5.I advise you to try to be calm and sure of yourself.

Great job sharing your thoughts and experiences going on job interviews.

Here is a sentence you can revise.

Apply for the job of infrastructure technician.

I have only applied for the jobs as an infrastructure technician.

Keep practicing to improve further.

1. What does Mary give to Susan? She gave her a resume
2. What job is Mary applying for? She is applying for a kitchen job
3. Does Mary have any experience in the kitchen?
No , she does not have any experience but she wants to learn
4. How does Mary describe herself?
She is very organized and she always get on time at work
5. Why did Mary leave her last job?
Because she had to work at night or very late

You are doing a good job improving your writing skills. Just keep going with your practice.

See how the proper word order in this sentence:

She is very organized and she always get on time at work

She is very organized and she always gets to work on time.

Happy writing!

In general the dialog is easy to understand (I think) and for me the most difficult sentence is when Mary says “It was graveyard and I need to work days”. Looking on the internet I saw that “a graveyard shift” is a work shift that occurs late at night. I suppose that’s the reason Mary says later “I need to work days”.

Thank you for doing this writing practice for you to further improve your skills.

See how the following sentences can be revised:

In general the dialog is easy to understand (I think) and for me the most difficult sentence is when Mary says “It was graveyard and I need to work days”. Looking on the internet I saw that “a graveyard shift” is a work shift that occurs late at night.

In general, I think the dialogue is fairly easy to understand and for me, the most difficult sentence is when Mary said, “It was graveyard and I need to work days”. Looking it up on the internet, I saw that “a graveyard shift” is a work shift that occurs late at night.

Keep going!

1. What does Mary give to Susan? A copy of her CV updated.
2. What job is Mary applying for? To work in a kitchen.
3. Does Mary have any experience in the kitchen? No, she only cooks at home.
4. How does Mary describe herself? She describes herself as a person who likes learning new things and who is very well organize, and also she follows directions exactly.
5. Why did Mary leave her last job? It is not very clear for me to understand. She needs more the workdays.

Well done answering this lesson’s discussion questions.

Here is a bit of a better way to write this response:

A copy of her CV updated.

Mary gave Susan an updated copy of her CV.

Keep going with this exercise to continue seeing progress in your writing.

1. Mary gives to Susan a copy of her resume (CV).
2. Mary is applying for a kitchen job.
3. No, Mary does not have experience in the kitchen but she wants to learn. She works hard and cooks at home.
4. Mary describes herself as a person who likes to learn new things, she is very organized.

Thank you for writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Here is a sentence you can still improve a bit:

Mary describes herself as a person who likes to learn new things, she is very organized.

Mary describes herself as a person who likes learning new things and someone who is very organized.

Keep going with your writing practice to improve more and more.

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