Milan to Ban Takeaway Food after Midnight

B1 – Intermediate

Some areas in cities are known for their wild nightlife. This means noisy people on the streets even in the late hours of the night.

In Milan, Italy, the local government wants to impose a ban on takeaway food after midnight to help the local residents get some peace and quiet beyond 12:00.

Read the article about Milan’s plans to prohibit takeaway food after midnight. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What does “at the stroke of” mean, “He said a 25-year-old will not go home "at the stroke of midnight" because they cannot get a takeaway.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
2. What does “takeaway” mean, “Officials want to ban takeaway food and drink in 12 areas of the city.”? Use this term in a sentence.
3. What does ”to take a stroll” mean, ”A rule banning people from…eating an ice cream or pizza while taking a stroll won't solve a thing, as people will still stay outside.”? Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion on this ban on takeaways after midnight in some areas in Milan?
2. Share your thoughts on this, “The goal [of this ban] is a balance between entertainment, and the peace and tranquility of residents.”.
3. In your opinion, how can there be a balance between “entertainment of partygoers and tourists and the peace and tranquility of residents” in areas that are known for their wild nightlife?
4. How do you think it is like living in a place/area like this?
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