Court Overturned a Ban on Religious Knives in Schools

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Keeping their children safe at home is an utmost priority for parents. Parents expect the same from schools. Most schools have rules on what children could bring inside the school premises. Sharp-edged objects are only allowed for learning purposes and should be handled with extra care. In cases where religious practices require young members to possess a dangerous weapon even at school, a higher judicial decision could prevail over school rules and regulation.

Let’s read the article and know more details about the Queensland court ruling on this matter.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “blunt” mean? “Many kirpans are blunt and worn stitched inside a sheath under a person’s cloths.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. Define the word “egregious“.“What made the Queensland law particularly egregious is that not only did it prohibit the freedom of religion of a small and vulnerable minority, it did so deliberately.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the verb “downplay“? “Referring to the kirpan as a knife downplays its important religious significance.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the kirpan for the Sikhs?
  2. Why did the Supreme Court of Queensland overturn the prior ban on possession of knives in school?
  3. What is your opinion on this Supreme Court ruling?
  4. How does this ruling affect the safety of the students in school and the religious rights of the Sikhs in the educational institution?

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2 replies on “Court Overturned a Ban on Religious Knives in Schools”

Vocabulary Questions:
1. What does “blunt” mean? “Many kirpans are blunt and worn stitched inside a sheath under a person’s cloths.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
I couldn’t cut the meat because the knife was blunt.
Synonyms: Not sharp, pointless, round, edgeless

2. Define the word “egregious“.“What made the Queensland law particularly egregious is that not only did it prohibit the freedom of religion of a small and vulnerable minority, it did so deliberately.” Use it in a sentence.
Extremely bad in a notorious way
The teacher behave in a egregious way with that child only because he had argued with his parents the day before.

3. What is the meaning of the verb “downplay“? “Referring to the kirpan as a knife downplays its important religious significance.” Use it in your own sentence.
Jane tried to downplay the bad news about her father’s diagnosis.

Discussion Questions:
1. What is the kirpan for the Sikhs?
Is one of the 5 K’s the have to follow for religious purposes (The other four are: a kachera (a special undergarment), kanga (a wooden comb), kara (an iron band) and keshas (unshorn hair).
2. Why did the Supreme Court of Queensland overturn the prior ban on possession of knives in school?
The Supreme Court found the ban on bringing a knife to school specifically for religious reasons was inconsistent with the Racial Discrimination Act.
3. What is your opinion on this Supreme Court ruling?
It’s difficult to rule because we life in a complex world, with different religions, cultures, believes, etc, but I think security reasons should be the key factor in order to legislate and also common sense. P.e.: for Taliban People women must not go to the schools… Should we allow them to do in our countries alleging religious reasons?

4. How does this ruling affect the safety of the students in school and the religious rights of the Sikhs in the educational institution?
If the knifes are blunt, there is not danger for anybody and they can follow their religious precepts.

Good work with your responses to the questions about this topic.

See another way to write this sentence:

If the knifes are blunt, there is not danger for anybody and they can follow their religious precepts.

If the knives are blunt, and it is not putting for anybody in danger, and then, they can follow their religious precepts.

Continue with your writing practice to keep improving.

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