B1 – Intermediate
Dining out was once reserved for the wealthy or a special occasion. Not anymore. Now more than a third of the food Americans eat is made up of so-called “away-from-home” foods, which include both restaurant food and prepackaged or prepared foods purchased at supermarkets. And about 40 percent of that comes from fast-food restaurants serving the likes of cheeseburgers and French fries.
It seems then that the more you “buy out”, the more likely it is that you will have a calorie and fat rich diet that is poor in nutrients.
Let’s read the article to learn some of the issues with eating “out of the home” and talk about the questions that follow:
- How often and where do you usually go when you eat out?
- Who do you usually go with when you eat out?
- What do you think about eating out?
- In what ways have people’s eating habits changed over the years?
- How have your eating habits changed over the years?
- What’s the best and the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant?
- Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why?
- Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about?
5 replies on “An Unhealthy Habit”
• How often and where do you usually go when you eat out?
I don´t usually go out to eat, because I love to cook and shop at the market. For me it is like a hobby spend my time in the kitchen.
• Who do you usually go with when you eat out?
I go out to eat with my boyfriend.
• What do you think about eating out?
• In what ways have people’s eating habits changed over the years?
I agree with the article, when you eat out the food is usually of worse quality and the portions are larger.
• How have your eating habits changed over the years?
Very little, I try to eat at home and if I work I take the food with me.
• What’s the best and the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant?
I don’t know, in general the food is bad and expensive. I enjoy cooking and the restaurant has to be very good to meet my expectations.
• Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why?
Both, sometimes you find new restaurants that are very good. The places you know end up disappointing because the qualities tend to drop over time.
• Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about?
I don’t need the restaurant to be very nice or expensive or trendy. My preference is cleanliness and good food.
Nice work answering this lesson’s discussion questions.
Here is a better way to express this idea:
Remember to elaborate more on your answers as much as you can in your next lessons.
How often and where do you usually go when you eat out?
It depends. Some weeks I eat out of home several times, and others I don’t do it at all. Likewise, I sometimes go to fast food restaurants and other times I go to restaurants with healthy or exotic menus.
Who do you usually go with when you eat out?
It is also variable. Depending on the situation I can go with friends, family, coworkers, ore even on my own.
What do you think about eating out?
I think it is something good if you take it as an occasional activity.
In what ways have people’s eating habits changed over the years?
Nowadays we have to spend a lot of time out and far from home. On the other hand, there is a wide offer of restaurants. These two conditions have undoubtedly contributed to change our habits
How have your eating habits changed over the years?
As I get older, I’m more concern about eating healthy
Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why?
Although I like to repeat in the restaurants where I have had a good experience, I also like to explore new restaurants and flavours.
Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about?
For me the food is what makes the difference in a restaurant. How it looks like is an extra that can make it better, but it os not primordial.
Good work with your responses to this lesson’s questions.
Here is a sentence you can enhance:
Keep your persistence in improving your writing.
1. i usually go eat out once a week. When i do it, i go with my friends to eat hamburgers, sushi or a special restaurant.
2. I usually go eat out with my friends or my family.
3. I think that it shouldn´t do everyday if we want to take care of our health.
4. the people don´t have any time to do themselves meals to go to the office. Then, the usually eat out everyday.
5. I try eat more fruits and more vegetables every week to care of my health.
6. I love that the waiter will be more nice with me and they give me my hot food. I hate wait for my meal one hour or more time. also i hate that the cutlery are dirty.
7. It depends but i always want to go to restaurants that i haven´t go yet.
8. I think that two things are more important. But i prefer that the food are really good and the restaurant wasn´t so beautiful.