Mood-Boosting Food

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It goes without saying that food can really affect our body. Experts say that reducing unhealthy food intake and eating healthy food can positively impact your mental health. Hence, it’s really important to be mindful of the food you eat during meals.

Read this article to learn about the five mood-boosting food.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “precursor” mean? “Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor to serotonin,” Behairy explained, “so look for foods like turkey, chicken, eggs, dairy, nuts and seeds.” Make a sentence with this word.
  2. Define “intersperse“. “I think that implementing small, lasting changes will help you go a long way, much further than sporadic days of ‘clean eating interspersed with ‘binges,’ Naidoo said.” Make a sentence using this word and give two synonyms.
  3. What is the meaning of “catch up” in this context? “And even if your mood hasn’t caught up yet, do know that your gut notices and appreciates what you’re doing right away.” Make a sentence using this phrase and give two synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever tried including mood-boosting foods into your diet? If so, did you notice any improvements in your mood?
  2. Which of the five mood-boosting foods suggested in the article have you already incorporated into your daily meals?
  3. How do you usually manage your mood or emotional well-being with your food or lifestyle choices?
  4. Do you feel there is a significant connection between the foods you eat and your overall emotional state? Talk about it.
  5. Are there any seasons or times of year when you find it more difficult to keep your spirits up and do you change your diet accordingly? Share about this.
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