Mixed Conditionals in Past, Present, and Future

Mixed Conditionals Exercise Answers

Here are the answers to the mixed conditionals exercise on this page.

1. B They would not be having dinner with us tonight if their appointment had not been canceled.

2. C If she wasn’t going to move abroad next month, she would have accepted his marriage proposal.

3. B If Carlo were delivering the speech tomorrow, he would be very honored.

4. A If they had been part of the EU, they wouldn’t need a visa to travel here.

5. B If we were rich, we would have gone on more vacations last year.

6. A If she didn’t have to work so much, she would have gone home earlier.

7. A If I didn’t need so many things, I wouldn’t bring all of these things this weekend.

8. A If I had studied better, I would be a scholar.

9. A If I sang well, I would have sung a song for you.

10. C If she has finished her homework, she can start watching TV.

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