Sugar Overdose

B1 – Intermediate

Sugar has remained to be a very common ingredient in our food. It is added to practically everything such as bread, tea, juice, meat, and even coffee. Nowadays, people are warned to be careful with how much sugar they consume as it can negatively affect one’s health.

Read the article and be able to discuss the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
  2. Where do you usually get your coffee? How do you like it?
  3. What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body?
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10 replies on “Sugar Overdose”

Sugar overdose

1. Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations that make me have a sweet tooth.
anxiety, stress, boredom.
2. Where do you usually drink your coffee? Do you like what?
I eat breakfast at my house, I don’t usually go out for breakfast. And if I do, I have American coffee, natural orange juice and two pieces of toast with tomato.
3. What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body?
Some negative effects on our body are obesity, type 2 diabetes and dental caries.
Also This affects the childs in your concentration capacity, because with high level of sugar the child felling more nervious, have overdose of energy that he need spend.

Going good with practicing your writing consistently.

Take a look at a better way to express this sentence:

In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations that make me have a sweet tooth.
anxiety, stress, boredom.

In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations such as anxiety, stress, boredom that make me crave for sweets.

Enjoy writing!

1. Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations that make me have a sweet tooth.
anxiety, stress, boredom.
2. Where do you usually drink your coffee? Do you like what?
I eat breakfast at my house, I don’t usually go out for breakfast. And if I do, I have American coffee, natural orange juice and two pieces of toast with tomato.
3. What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body?
Some negative effects on our body are obesity, type 2 diabetes and dental caries.
Also This affects the childs in your concentration capacity, because with high level of sugar the child felling more nervious, have overdose of energy that he need spend.

Good job practicing your writing again!

Here is a sentence you can revise:

In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations that make me have a sweet tooth.
anxiety, stress, boredom.

In general, I don’t have a sweet tooth, but there are situations that make me have a sweet tooth become one such as anxiety, stress, and boredom.

Looking forward to reading from you more!

1- Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
I don´t be very sweet tooth but I like eat sweets at night, after have a dinner. I used to eat a one or two chocolate´s cookies.

2- Where do you usually get your coffee? How do you like it?
I drink two cups of drink every morning in my house. I like the hot coffee with milk and I add two small sugar packts.

3- What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body?
I think that eat a lot off sugar is very bad because it produce health problems such a obesity or diabetes. In addition to caring we, the hospitality industry too shouldn´t add too sugar in their drinks.

It’s great to see you back to practicing your writing again.

Be a bit careful with the spelling of the following words: packets, of vs off,

In addition, here are a few sentences that you can still improve:

I don´t be very sweet tooth but I like eat sweets at night, after have a dinner. I used to eat a one or two chocolate´s cookies.

I don´t have a very sweet tooth, but I like eating sweets at night, after having a dinner. I used to usually eat a one or two chocolate´s cookies.

I think that eat a lot off sugar is very bad because it produce health problems such a obesity or diabetes. In addition to caring we, the hospitality industry too shouldn´t add too sugar in their drinks.

I think that eating a lot of sugar is very bad because it causes health problems such a obesity and diabetes. In addition to taking care of our health, we the food and beverage industry too shouldn´t add too much sugar in our drinks, too.

Make more time in practicing so you can improve your skills more and more.

1.-Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
Yes I have a sweet tooth.I am adicted to chocolate as I need a piece of chocolate after lunch and dinner.
2.-Where do you usually get your coffee? How do you like it?
As I am aware that sugar is not healthy I changed my mind and I have coffee 3 or 4 times per day but without sugar or sweetener
3.-What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body? You can became insuline resistent and diabetic. Your liver suffers as well if you have too much sugar

Take a look at some words you can spell properly: addicted, insulin, resistant,

Here is a sentence you can write correctly:

You can became insuline resistent and diabetic.

You can become immune to insulin and turn/become diabetic.

Be more expressive. Write long responses as much as possible.

1. Yes, I have a sweet tooth. Very often I eat candy. I don’t need any occasion to eat sweets. I love sweets. I always have some candy in my bag.
2 . I usually drink a coffee during the morning at home. When I have a work trip I take it in the office or in a coffee shop.
3. The negative effects of having too much sugar in our body are: weight gain, blood sugar problems, high blood pressure, increase the risk of health problems, obesity…

Welcome back to your Phoneenglish classes and good to see you doing your writing practice again.

Please see some sentences you can improve:

Very often I eat candy.

I eat candies very often.

I always have some candy in my bag.

I always have some candies in my bag.

Happy practice!

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