Songwriting Pages on Spotify

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The popular music streaming platform Spotify is launching a new feature for songwriters. These pages would have a list of songs that composers have written. This will help musicians showcase their music and for users to discover more songs they may enjoy.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you know about Spotify?

2. How can this new feature help songwriters in the future?

3.  Are streaming music services harming piracy more than they’re harming music sales?

4.What is the most unique feature that Spotify has?

5. What other music streaming applications do you enjoy using?

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6 replies on “Songwriting Pages on Spotify”

1. What do you know about Spotify?
Spotify is a platform to listen music.
2. How can this new feature help songwriters in the future?
Spotify is helping them showcase their music and for users to discover them and their songs.
3. Are streaming music services harming piracy more than they’re harming music sales?
I don’t have argument to say if the streaming music service harming piracy more than music sales, but I think so that the streaming music services are harming more piracy.
4.What is the most unique feature that Spotify has?
The possibility of creating your own play list.
5. What other music streaming applications do you enjoy using?
I don’t use other music streaming application.

It’s great to see you continuing to strive to improve your skills.

Take a look at how you can write the following sentences a bit better:

Spotify is a platform to listen music.

Spotify is a platform for listening to music.

I don’t have argument to say if the streaming music service harming piracy more than music sales, but I think so that the streaming music services are harming more piracy.

I don’t have quite a very strong argument to say whether the streaming music service is harming piracy more than music sales, but I think so that the streaming music services are expunging piracy more.

Keep it up!

1. What do you know about Spotify?
Spotify is a platform for listening to music, where you can select your favourite songs or singers and create your own playlist.
2. How can this new feature help songwriters in the future?
I think it will be a new way to get inspired and improve his songs.
3. Are streaming music services harming piracy more than they’re harming music sales?
It could be, I think that music streaming services ensure the payment of a minimum amount of royalties to the singer for each download.
4. What is the most unique feature that Spotify has?
The ability to create your own playlist where and how you want.
5. What other music streaming applications do you enjoy using?
I have only used Spotify.

It’s so great that you keep practicing your writing. Maintain this consistency.

Here is a better way to write this response based on the tense of the question “What other music streaming applications do you enjoy using?”:

I have only used Spotify.

I have only use Spotify.

Good job so far.

1. It is a streaming platform where there is a podcast and music, the best are the playlists

2.Many people do not know that there are artists who do not write their own songs and that gives little visibility to those who really have that talent, I think this beta is excellent

3. I don’t know but YT is one of the most against piracy

4. The annual statistics when they tell you that you listened to the most and which was the artist that you reproduced the most

5. I only use spotify and sometimes YT

Good job answering the questions. Keep practicing to improve your writing skills more and more.

Take a look at how this sentence can be revised:

Many people do not know that there are artists who do not write their own songs and that gives little visibility to those who really have that talent, I think this beta is excellent

Many people do not know that there are artists who do not write their own songs and they give very little credit to those who really have the talent. I think this beta is excellent.

Until your next entry!

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