Company Sends Rocket to Space

B1 – Intermediate

NASA and private company SpaceX work together to send astronauts to space. The private company SpaceX owns the rocket. This company is owned by Elon Musk. This space flight is monumental for both NASA and SpaceX.

Read the transcript and listen to the audio about this commercial space flight from the link below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the mission of this space flight?
  2. What is your reaction to this news? 
  3. What do you think is the importance of such space missions?
  4. Would you be interested to go on a commercial flight to space? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think space travel would be a common thing in the future? Why or why not?
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2 replies on “Company Sends Rocket to Space”

For the first time, a private company called SpaceX is investing in the space race. The mission of its first flight is to check the safety to take people to space and back in a commercial flight.
As soon as I read this news, I thought that it could be a good plot for a science fiction movie.
Even though it is far in the future the fact, everyone could take a rocket to travel around the earth. The truth is that it is a big step in the way to explore other planets someday. In my opinion, space missions are important because through which a lot of money moves and many advances in technology are taking for our daily life.
I would be love if I had the opportunity to travel in a rocket and see our planet from outer space. It was my dream when I was a child. However, it will be reserved only for rich and powerful people, because the first passages will be very expensive.
To sum up, I think that space travel will be very usual in the future. Human beings have an adventurous soul, and we must search for other planets in which life could be possible. Our preservation depends on it.

Great answers to our questions. Well done!

Even though it is far in the future the fact, everyone could take a rocket to travel around the earth. 
Even though it is far from now, the fact is that someday, everyone would be able to take a flight on a rocket and travel around the earth.

It’d be so cool and exciting to see this happen in the future. Kudos, SpaceX!

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