New Type of Swimwear

B1 – Intermediate

If you are a beach lover, one of the things you probably enjoy doing are sunbathing and getting some tan. However, some people are not that keen on getting darker skin in some countries. They do everything so they can maintain their pale skin.

A swimwear shop owner was surprised when a customer demanded for her to design a ‘facekini’. Facekini is a new type of swimwear that can help prevent women from having darker skin while on the beach. It can also protect them from jellyfish stings. 

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to find out more about facekinis.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this story?
  2. What are your thoughts on getting a tan? Do you enjoy being under the sun? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think of facekinis? 
  4. Do you think it could be a trend in your country too? Why or why not?
  5. How do you take care of your skin especially during summer?
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2 replies on “New Type of Swimwear”

What is your reaction to this story?

In my opinion it’s ok that the Chinese wearing the facekini for protect to sun and the jellyfish stings. I don’t like to wear this because our custom is wearing only bikini and hut. I protect of the sun wearing hat and I stay under umbrella and I put sunscreen.

It’s funny for me I read that the designers have to change the colors of the facekini because the children scare with that. I can imagine as the facekini is.

What are your thoughts on getting a tan? Do you enjoy being under the sun? Why or why not?
I don’t like getting a tan because my skin is stained and if I get a lot of sun I feel bad. When I was teenager I get a lot of sunstroke.
I like to the beach but I enjoy being under the umbrella, I don’t like being under the sun. I enjoy bathing in the beach too.

What do you think of facekinis?
I don’t like the facekini for me, but I think that it’s ok for the Chinese, if they like it’s ok. I think that the facekini I think that I would overwhelm wearing a facekini. It’s true that wearing the facekinis the people protect a lot their faces but I don’t like this. the people hides his face.

Do you think it could be a trend in your country too? Why or why not?
I think that it couldn’t be a trend in my country because I think that the people like getting tan and bathing too without paying attention not to get their face and hair wet

How do you take care of your skin especially during summer?
I wearing the hat and I put the sunscreen for face and body and I always go to the beach with a umbrella that I put in the sand and we sit down under the umbrella to protect the sun.

It is obvious that a lot of efforts were put into your responses. Very well. Thank you very much.

Here is one sentence you can revise:

I protect of the sun wearing hat and I stay under umbrella and I put sunscreen.
I protect myself from the sun by wearing hats, staying under an umbrella, and putting some sunscreen on.

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