Brothers Conquer Ironmans as a Team

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The bond between siblings goes beyond consanguinity. It is forged through a lifetime of shared experiences replete with triumphs and tribulations, characterized by fraternal affection in all circumstances. The Pease brothers, each extraordinary in their own right, epitomize such indefatigable love.

Watch the short feature and be inspired by their story of inclusiveness and unfettered determination.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What activities do you enjoy doing with your siblings? What are your common hobbies, passions, or interests? If you have no siblings, you can think of other family or friends whom you think of as siblings.
  2. When was the last time you’d proven people wrong? What did they say you couldn’t accomplish, and how did you confound their expectations?
  3. How do you motivate yourself to take on challenges?
  4. How would you describe the attitudes in your country towards people with disabilities?
  5. Some people have likened life to running a race. Is this an apt comparison?
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