Older UK Farmers Get Money for Retiring

B1 – Intermediate

Farming is probably one of the hardest professions to be in. Being a farmer means long days of work in the field. All those years of hard work, you think farmers get a huge amount of money when they retire. In most cases, they don’t. But in the UK, they want to change this.

Read the lesson and find out more about UK’s plans to offer huge retirement benefits for farmers.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this plan to give farmers a huge amount of money when they retire?
  2. What do you think about the job of farmers?
  3. In your country, are farmers well-paid? Is it a job that many people want to have?
  4. How can we make working in the farming industry interesting to younger people?
  5. What kind of help does the farming industry need in your country?
  6. What do you think of when you hear the word “farming”?
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