Why We Forget the Things We Learn

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Memories make us who we are. They hold very important knowledge about our lives. They provide us with a sense of self and make up our continual experience of life.

They have a fundamental role in all learning because they let you store and retrieve the information that you learn. However, for some people, it is difficult to retain things they’ve read or learned but they easily remember some of the most trivial information.

Let’s listen to the audio below to find out why we tend to forget the things we learn.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have a poor or a good memory? Explain.
  2. When was the last time you forgot something? What did you forget? Why do you think you forgot it?
  3. Is it good to have a perfect memory? Why or why not?
  4. Are you good at remembering names/numbers/faces/dates? Share some experiences.
  5. What techniques do you use to remember things?
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2 replies on “Why We Forget the Things We Learn”

1. I have a good memory for the thinks that I like it and I have a good photography memory too, but I am so bad with names and telephone numbers for example.
2. I lost my mobile phone two weeks ago, because I didn’t remember where I put it but finally I found the phone in my bag. I usually remember where I have the things because I always put the same objects in the same places but I lost my mobile phone because this time I forgot to get my phone from my bag.
3. I think that it’s good to have a good memory because you never forget the important things. On the other hand, you have a lot of useless thing on your mind.
4. I am a bad remembering in that way because I never remember numbers, names or something like that. When I meet someone new, they have to repeat their name three or four times until I know theirs names. Maybe I am a good remembering with faces but not completely.
5. As I heard in the audio before, I try to use the repeat technique in order to remember the things. Moreover, I use a highlighter because It is the best way to remember the important things for me.

We are very pleased to have you on the PE blog! Great job answering the discussion questions on this lesson!

Take a look at a better way to write this one:

I have a good memory for the thinks that I like it and I have a good photography memory too, but I am so bad with names and telephone numbers for example.

I have a good memory for the things that I like it and I have a good photographic memory too, but I am so bad with names and telephone numbers, for example.

Looking forward to reading more entries from you. Keep writing!

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