
B2 – Upper Intermediate

Neuromarketing is a fascinating field that combines neuroscience, psychology, and marketing to understand and influence consumer behavior. By studying the brain’s responses and subconscious processes, neuromarketers aim to uncover the underlying motivations and decision-making mechanisms that drive consumer choices.

Watch the video to know more about it and be able to discuss the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the expression “take (someone) back to” mean? Ex.The subtle smell of grass near the dairy aisle could take consumers back to a simpler, more care-free time, and subconsciously remind them of the fields the products come from. Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the word “suffice” mean?. Ex. In clothing stores, the invigorating scent of the sea or romantic mix of roses and violets suffices the experience and makes purchasing a product associated with those memories powerful. Make one sentence using this word.
  3. What does “call to mind” mean? Ex. The rich, deep scents of polished leather calls to mind luxury, relaxation, and reward. Make one sentence using this idiom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does neuromarketing contribute to the development of more effective advertising campaigns?
  2. In your opinion, do you think neuromarketing is an ethical practice or does it manipulate consumers’ decision-making processes?
  3. How important do you believe neuromarketing is in gaining a competitive edge in today’s saturated market?
  4. Do you think businesses should invest more in understanding consumer neuroscience through neuromarketing, or are traditional market research methods sufficient?
  5. What kind of neuromarketing have you been exposed to?
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2 replies on “Neuromarketing”

1- It’s a way of manipulating our minds and driving them towards a specific target, that is compulsive shopping.
2- As I mentioned before it’s a way of manipulating our minds and therefore they’ve suppressed our right to freely choose what we want.
3- It’s a powerful tool to many brands to get the attention of the customers.
4- In my opinion we are overwhelmed by products that we don’t really need … so answering the question I guess we’re getting back to a more traditional way of shopping … smaller shops, independent shops rather than going to big shops or shopping through the internet.
5- I’m exposed to social media adverts all the time, mostly on IG, I try to filter them or even not taking care of them.

You did a nice job writing your answers. Continue practicing to improve more and more.

Ellipses (…) were not necessary in these sentences.
Take a look at where to put commas (,), too.

In my opinion we are overwhelmed by products that we don’t really need … so answering the question I guess we’re getting back to a more traditional way of shopping … smaller shops, independent shops rather than going to big shops or shopping through the internet.

In my opinion, we are overwhelmed by products that we don’t really need . So, to answer the question, I guess we’re getting back to a more traditional way of shopping such as smaller shops, independent stores rather than going to big shops or shopping through the internet.

Keep being consistent doing this exercise.

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