Making Poor Areas Richer

C1 – Advanced

Even in the rich countries, financial hardships that is brought about by inflation and the global economic crisis are felt, and the poorest areas are the ones hit hardest by this pinch.

Amidst the continuously widening economic divide, is there hope for these declining areas?

Watch the video on how to tackle regional inequality.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom “to feel the pinch” mean? “Many across the rich world are feeling the pinch and it’s hitting hardest in its poorest regions. ” Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to be left in the lurch” mean, “Although globalization benefited many in well-off countries, large areas have been left in the lurch.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  3. What does ”top-down” in governance mean, “[In] countries which tend to be very centralized and top-down in terms of governance what we see is only certain parts of the country seem to really enjoy the benefits of prosperity and they tend to leave other parts of the country behind.”? Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is regional inequality also an issue in your country? Talk about how evident it is and how the government is addressing this problem.
  2. How can countries with the problem of the dark divides fix this issue?
  3. In a country with the government system like the UK, should Mayors be given more autonomy to address their respective city’s crises? Explain your stance.
  4. How does economic globalization worsen regional inequality?
  5. How might regional inequality affect a country?
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