Phrasal Clause Markers

Certain phrases can be utilized to emphasise the required condition in order for something else to happen or be true. These phrases serve as clause markers that denote the beginning of a clause.

A dependent clause is often signalled by these clause markers. Commas may be placed depending on the sequence of clauses used (If starting with a dependent clause, use a comma after it).

Examples of phrasal clause markers: on the proviso that, provided that, on (the) condition that


The manager agreed to let the unruly guests stay on the proviso that they will be held liable for any damages at the hotel.
They were allowed entry into the museum on the condition that they leave all their personal belongings at the lobby.
You may come up with your own proposal provided that the main points are identical to the original version.
Provided it was in accordance with the law, landlords can impose the raise to the rents this year.
Notice that the last example started with a dependent clause, hence the use of a comma.

Common Mistakes

As mentioned above, clause markers often introduce a dependent clause.

On condition that she consented they would keep it confidential until it has been finalized.She consented on condition that they would keep it confidential until it has been finalized.
On condition that he agreed his identity remains concealed.He agreed on condition that his identity remains concealed
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